Did you know, every year in India around 15 lakh people have a brain stroke, out of which almost one-third of them are left with permanent disabilities. These numbers can be changed and can be reduced drastically. All that’s needed is the right information to reach the right person so as to receive the right treatment for brain stroke in Guntur. What exactly is a stroke? It is when a blood clot clogs a blood vessel that supplies a part of the brain. This essentially interrupts the blood flow to that part of the brain. The more time the part of brain is devoid from blood supply, the more it is susceptible to irreversible damage.
Is it a STROKE ?
The first step for treatment of brain stroke is realizing that a stroke is occurring, and taking immediate action, so what are the most noticeable symptoms of a stroke, remember it and BE FAST
B – Balance issues
E – Eye/ Vision disturbance
F – Face drops on one side
A – Arm weakness on one side
S – Speech blurriness
T – Time is brain, immediately call for help
Now that a stroke has been identified, the next thing to know is what are the treatment options, currently widely known is the IV tPA or a clot dissolving blood thinning agent that is administered in almost all the Best neurology centers in Guntur. This helps to dissolve the blood clot and restore blood flow to the brain, therefore diminishing the effects of the stroke. However, tPA has proven to be less effective in case of large vessel occlusions due to major clots.
Mechanical Thrombectomy is currently the most effective treatment for stroke. This live saving technique is available only in select hospitals with the supporting infrastructure and experienced specialist, Best neurologist Doctor in Guntur trained for performing this procedure. What essentially happens during thrombectomy brain procedure is that a special device is navigated through the blood vessels to reach the site of clot in the brain and then using a stent or suction, the whole clot is carefully guided out of the body. This immediately restores the flow of blood to the affected parts of the brain.
Why Mechanical Thrombectomy ?
TPA treatment can seem quite ineffective especially in cases where there has been a time elapse of more than 5 hours between the stroke and administration of the injection. However, in case of thrombectomy, patient has a window time of 24 hours from the onset of stroke to have a chance to regain complete functionality. Many cases of the stroke who have no hope of recovering can be successfully treated by mechanical thrombectomy by Best Interventional Neurologist In Guntur.
It is extremely important to know the medical center where this world class, life saving procedure is available, not all hospitals have this facility. Life Hospital in Guntur is fully equipped with a dedicated unit to cater to this emergent situation with a highly trained interventional neurologist to perform thrombectomy. Give your life the chance it deserves to get back its complete functionality.